A District on the Rise

Over the past decade, CPS high school graduation rates have increased by almost 50 percent, with a record high graduation rate in 2021. This huge progress made over such a time frame has transformed the lives of countless high school graduates, and is an indication of what can be accomplished when students are at the center of all decisions.

School Profile Search 

Find detailed info about a particular school, including programs and admissions requirements, after school activities, family support services, and school performance reports.


School Locator 

Find your neighborhood schools, view neighborhood attendance boundaries, and conduct proximity searches to find the CPS schools nearest you.


Apply to District Managed Schools

Every Chicago street address is assigned to a neighborhood elementary school. Students can always attend their neighborhood school without having to apply.


In addition to their neighborhood school, families can choose to apply to other schools across the city. If you decide to apply to a school other than your neighborhood school, you must submit an application through GoCPS.



FAQs - Elementary School Types

What kind of elementary schools can I apply through GoCPS?

You can apply to magnet, magnet cluster, and open enrollment schools (Choice Schools), which select students through a computerized lottery, and you can apply to Selective Enrollment Schools, which select students through a testing process.
Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools consist of four programs: Academic Centers, Classical Schools, Regional Gifted Centers, and Regional Gifted Center for English Learners.

If you want to apply to charter elementary schools, you will need to directly contact the school(s) in which you are interested.

Do you have to live in Chicago to attend these schools?

Yes, you have to live in Chicago to enroll and attend magnet, magnet cluster, open enrollment, and Selective Enrollment schools. You don't have to live in Chicago to apply, participate in the computerized lottery selection or testing process, and even be selected, but you have to provide proof of city of Chicago residency by July 1, 2022, in order to enroll for the 2022-2023 school year.

How do I apply to magnet, magnet cluster and open enrollment schools (Choice Schools)?

You can apply to Choice Schools via the online application site or at an in-person application site. Identify the schools to which you want to apply and submit your application between mid October and mid-December. Students are selected via computerized lottery.